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Zeno Clash

29.03.2009 | 00:00 Uhr | von ultio
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What is the game actually about? Could you introduce our readers into the main story of the game?
  • The story of the game revolves around the conflict between Ghat and Father-Mother who is Ghat’s father and mother at the same time. Father-Mother is the hermaphrodite parent of many different children who live in the chaotic city of Halstedom where his family is a powerful clan.

    At the begginning of the game Ghat is being hunted by his own brothers and sisters (I can’t tell you why because that is revealed later in the game) so he escapes together with his companion Deadra, to the unknown and strange world beyond the city.
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How did you intend the gameplay, how do you play it?
  • Zeno Clash is a story oriented adventure, but the gameplay is quite unlike other first person games. The game focuses heavily on melee combat: you can do punch combinations, block and deflect enemy attacks, use dodge and counterattack moves... You can still use weapons just like in other First Person games, but you will most likely have to combine the weapons with close-combat. We made a developer video recently where you can see Carlos and Andres showing some different combat situations.

Are you already working or planing another game after Zeno Clash? Maybe a Zeno Clash 2?
  • A second Zeno Clash is definitely a project we would like to make, we have many ideas for the future of the characters, and of course there are always gameplay ideas we just didn’t have time to add to the first game. But it is still too early to say that is going to be our next project. Maybe if everything goes well our studio can grow and we can work on more than one project simultaneously.
At the moment it doesn't look like there will be a retail release for Europe / Germany, but are there any plans for that or is it possible for the future?
  • At the moment we only have a retail publishing agreement with Noviy Disk for all former USSR territorries. We are still talking to other publishers so retail distribution for Germany is a possibility, but we just can’t be sure yet.
    For digital distribution we have Steam and Direct 2 Drive, and we are planning to add German subtitles for the game in the future.
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Will there be a censored version for Germany?
  • We are not working on a censored version of the game.
    I just recently learnt how the German rating system works, and apparently the only games that are banned are those with distorted Nazi propaganda or those which glorify acts of extreme violence. For any other game the system can impose advertising and age restrictions, but not force you to censor the game.
    Zeno Clash has not been rated yet, but it does not have extremely violent content, so I don’t think there will be any problem.

And last but not least, is there still something on your mind you would like to tell our readers?

  • I’d like to say it is great to see how independent games are starting to get more support. This week (Wednesday March 25) we will know if we win “excellence in visual arts” at the Independent Games Festival happening at the GDC, so wish us luck!
    [Editors note: Unfortunately ACE Team did not win the award.]
Thank you for your time.
« Vorige Seite
- Zeno Clash on Steam
- Developer blog

Weitere Artikel:
- Zeno Clash Review (21.04.2009)
- Zeno Clash (29.03.2009)

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