Gestern wurde der Release-Termin von Dodgeball 5, für Freitag den zweiten September angekündigt. Am gleichen Tag wird der auch noch laufende Map-Contest beendet, wobei das Team schon eine Menge schöner Maps bestaunen durfte.
Hier ein paar Details zum Release von Dodgball 5:
Zitat: - Stability: The memory error is gone and the game can now run for hours with full servers and not have any crashes.
- Animations: The dodgeball character animations have been updated. These include the world models and the view models.
- Gameplay: Dodgeball swatting has been added so that you can swat away a dodgeball while holding one.
- Maps: A gladiator style map and the winner of the map contest (which ends friday) will be added to Alpha 5.
- Competition Mode: Competition Mode is now stable and ready for Alpha 5. We will be running the official server on competition mode.
- Website: An interactive maps module will be added to the website to showcase the many maps that have been created for Dodgeball. This module will also allow uploading of new maps to the site.
- Steam Skin: A Dodgeball Steam Skin has been created and is included as an option in the Alpha 5 installer.