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Mit der dritten Minor-Version für Iron Grip: The Oppression werden zwei neue Maps eingeführt und ganz nebenbei noch einige der schlimmeren Spaßhemmnisse (Lag, teils extreme CPU Belastung wegen NPCs) zum überwiegenden Teil aus dem Weg geräumt:
- ADD - IG_Locomotive: A Rahmos train is attacked by Resistance fighters who must kill the General while he's cornered.
- ADD - IG_Dynadares: A large port city where Rahmos and Resistance battle for territorial control.
- ADD - Gameplay entity: Allows mappers to designate their own objectives depending on how the map should be played
- ADD - New audio: Map sounds for Locomotive, weapon sounds, and new conversations hidden for those who care to dig them out of the files
- ADD - Linux support: A linux server package can be downloaded!
- CHANGE - IG_Mercos: Now IG_Mercos_Assasination and IG_Mercos_Hold.
- CHANGE - Molotov cocktail effects: They now start small fires, and any infantry they hit are set ablaze
- CHANGE - A-PAC 822 pump action rifle: Iron sights improved
- CHANGE - Grenades: Now, when one clicks, the pin is pulled and the grenade is active. This lets you time them for range. Throw it before it explodes!
- CHANGE - Unit counts: Units and tanks now both add towards the same overall unit count. Conscripts are one unit, grenadiers are two, tanks are ten.
- CHANGE - Added extra route on ig_mercos
- CHANGE - General is harder to track on map
- FIX - Fast RTS>FPS switching exploit
- FIX - Roofboost issues on ig_vistorg
- FIX - Are14 doesn't calculate damageforce resulting in a vec3_origin attack direction
- FIX - Showing Unit/Upgrade costs
- FIX - Multiple music tracks playing at once
- OPTIMISE - Tank targetting: Tanks are now more dangerous than ever, and will lay suppressing fire on Resistance positions.
- OPTIMISE - Networking
Diese Version ist veraltet, die aktuelle Version der Mod ist hier zu finden.
Wähle einen Download-Link aus:
Filefront.com #1 |
02.10.2024, 10:30 Uhr letzter Download
Filefront.com #2 |
02.10.2024, 10:30 Uhr letzter Download
exp.de |
02.10.2024, 10:30 Uhr letzter Download
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