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Forum > Mods > Source Mods > The Wind - Launch der neuen Website / Mediarelease
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Dabei seit: 29.07.2005
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The Wind - Launch der neuen Website / Mediarelease

ich möchte euch in diesem Thread auf den Start unserer neuen Wesite aufmerksam machen.
THE WIND ist ein Machinima Projekt, basierend auf der HL2 Orange Box Engine.

Genauere Informationen, sowie Mediacontent zu unserem Projekt, könnt ihr unter folgenden Links erfahren:

www.thewind.tv / http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-wind

Hier der offizielle Post unseres Projektleiters:

BEHOLD, www.thewind.tv launches! Our new website is loaded with images, news and all kinds of information. Rev up the high-speed, turn up the sound and come check us out!

For those of you new to THE WIND, here is a bit of information:

Our team is making a feature length film using video game driven animation. We have chosen Valve’s Orange Box engine because of its dynamic versatility and its huge user and information base. Working on this production is a lot like making a mod. It requires all the same skills and has many of the same goals.

One thing which hasn’t been mentioned in previous media releases is our personal agenda with THE WIND. We feel that there is a injustice surrounding the video gaming community which revolves around misperceptions about who plays video games and what their effect on individuals is and on our society. Most people don’t know that the average age of video gamers is 35 years old and that the two fastest growing groups are girls and people over 50. There is also a misperception that video gamers are violent young men who take out the rage created by video games on our society. I feel this bias is unjust and needs to be addressed. Even though THE WIND is not a message film, I wanted to highlight these issues and set the record straight through strong story telling and interesting characters. If these topics interest you or if you feel that there is something that needs to be said, please feel free to contact me at robotbigfoot@thewind.tv.

We are looking to increase the size of our international, online crew of designers to help with the production of THE WIND. This film uses high def video and Machinima (video game driven animation). If you decide to join us, we can orient you with our project through our Production Guidebook and active forum that features tons of unseen concept art, storyboards and production stills. We have weekly meetings and are also working off the Agile method of goal oriented production. Come on aboard!

- 3D Modelers. Object and weapons modelers. UV and Hammer skills a plus. Being that we are building a Midwestern town from the ground up, many of our models are familiar, everyday objects. All of our work is equally important and to be handled with attention and care and we love designers who want to ferry between nailing the familiar and the spectacular.
- 3D Character Modelers. I've included this as a separate category because of it's unique nature. We are looking for the best and have amazing references, both full body and head shots. Our character needs are mostly human but we have an assortment of fantasy characters that need to be created as well. This is a great opportunity to expand your portfolio!
- 2D Designers. Texture and skinning of 3D models and 2D artwork. UV and specular mapping skills a plus. We also look for designers who can think on their feet and bring their own ideas to the table.
- Animators. Familiar with Face Poser and Face Robot (SoftImage). Interested in motion capture and traditional animation a plus.
- SkyBox Artist. This is a very specific skill and we need specialists to create over a dozen skyboxes!
- Freelancers. If you can't fully contribute to the film but would but are interested in completing individual models or projects and work with Source or other related software, please let us know. We currently have several people operating on this capacity and it’s a huge help.

All candidates must be interested in taking direction and participating creatively and collaboratively. Each position is unpaid, but you will receive a film credit and great work for your portfolio! If you have any further questions, please contact me at jobs@thewind.tv.

Greetz, Bambi (Mapper)
[Beitrag wurde 1x editiert, zuletzt von Bambi am 18.12.2008, 19:09]
18.12.2008, 19:08 Uhr Anzeigen
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