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# 1
Nachricht offline
1.708 Punkte
Dabei seit: 15.07.2008
856 Beiträge
Original von JJ

me: "Dude, Gabe, that demo...."
Gabe: "Isn't it epic? changing gameplay forever? cinematic effects, filmgrain, the witch, bossmonsters? and evreything?!"
me: "Eeh, yeah.... It's kind of boring..."
Gabe: "Legendaa... what?`boring?!"
me: "Yeah dude... Played it 20 times now... about... kinda the same every time."
Gabe: "The same? It's supposed to rearrange monsters!"
me: "yeah it does... but in the end zombies rush through an alley - you shoot. Zombies stand on a street - you shoot. Witch sits around - you shoot. Bossmonster throws some rocks - you shoot and revive two of your teammates.... oh - and you shoot some more."
Gabe: "And you think that's boring?"
me: "had more fun watching the titties in Duke3d."
Gabe: "Matt!! Matty! Give the witch bigger tits! ... Wha...? No in L4d... The witch, give her bigger boobs. We're going Lara Croft right now! ... Na I'm not talking about C-cups... Gotte be E at least and try to get some realistic bouncing effects in there... the bouncing will rearrange every time the player starts a mission... Oh and her cleavage will be deeper the better the players do. Wha... Tits on the boomer? You kidding me? Get to work you f*-head..."
me: "eeerm... eeerm.. Gabe? I don't think that's gonna do it..."
Gabe: "What do you want now? A chainsaw? nightvision googles? Infrared-camera? More sniping positions to support teammates with picking out monsters from some buildings? A more non-linear gameplay? Do you actually want to run through a city? An explanation why 2 weeks after the breakout cars lights are still working - superbatteries!" You want other survivors to pass on your wa? rescue missions, bomb planting missions? missions to destroy the spreading of the monsters? escort missions? wtf? do you actually want a real game?... you disgust me.. Matty? Yeah, boobs still big... huuuge! but, erm... lets make a meet the boomer video that explains how someones skin can grow that much within 2 weeks - we need some story explanations for the public. How the heck do I know... Just get the f*ck working..."
me: *sigh*

Selten son Schwachsinn gelesen. :eek:
13.11.2008, 10:39 Uhr Anzeigen

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