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Counter-Strike: Source

Großes Update veröffentlicht

17.08.2010 | 21:02 Uhr | von Trineas
8.067 Hits
6 Kommentare
1 viewing
Das Update für Counter-Strike: Source, das in den letzten Tagen bereits freiwillig als Beta getestet werden konnte, wurde nun für alle freigegeben. Es kommt zusammen mit einem Patch für die Source-Engine, der zahlreiche Fehler und Bugs ausmerzt. Der komplette Changelog im Detail:

  • Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2)

  • The mat_hdr_level, r_rootlod, and r_waterforceexpensive settings are now saved in the user’s config file.
  • Fixed clients being able to connect to servers with spoofed SteamIDs.
  • Fixed a bug where some video configurations could get reset by restarting the engine.
  • Fixed materials compiled into a map not being loaded correctly if they're in the root materials folder.
  • Fixed a case of uneven performance on multicore machines.
  • Fixed point contents not respecting detail brushes. This fixes a bullet penetration bug in some community maps.
  • Fixed clients being able to spam servers using the ai_set_move_height_epsilon, mission_show, and sv_querycache_stats commands.
  • Audio fixes:
  • o Reduced overlap in the sound timing code.
  • o Fixed a case where audio could skip.
  • o Fixed voice communication getting corrupted while playing on a Mac.
  • sv_pure 2 now protects the game_sounds files in the scripts directory.

  • Counter-Strike Source

  • Fixed prediction errors that were causing greater weapon inaccuracy (bullet spread) on client than server.
  • Made the bomb the primary target of a +USE command. This fixes a problem with objects placed around the bombsite interrupting defuse attempts.
  • Fixed the ‘skating’ behavior that could occur when a bomb planting attempt was aborted. Also fixes the resulting out of sync hit boxes.
  • Fixed bug in which a player who crouched rapidly and repeatedly was seen as stationery by other players.
  • Fixed problem in which the sound of a reload that was occurring when a player was killed persisted into spectator mode, making it sound like a reload was taking place near the spectated player.
  • Gave chat interface priority over scoreboard to reduce conflict between the two.
  • Increased size of HUD icons.
  • Fixed bug with env_hudhint that caused problems when its value was greater than 255 characters.
  • Made the message of the day screen dismissible by hitting ENTER.
  • Fixed servers not being able to set sv_hudhint_sound.
  • Gun sounds now match up with the framerate dependent sound timing, and fixed the framerate dependent jittering bugs.
  • Stats:
  • o Fixed an issue that could cause loss of player stats if network connectivity was lost briefly, just after launching the game.
  • o Fixed an issue that caused the favorite weapon to display incorrectly on the stats summary page when a player achieves the most kills with a knife or grenade.
  • o Made newly-earned achievements and stats immediately update in the achievements and stats panels instead of showing stale data.
  • o Improved the font on the achievement toast.
  • Community Requests:
  • o Added cvar sv_enablebunnyhopping, defaulted to 0. ( A value of 1 autotags the server with "bunnyhop" )
  • o De_dust and De_dust2 updated.
  • + Fixed several exploits.
  • + Fixed collisions on crenellation and domes.
  • + Fixed minor visual glitches.
  • + Adjusted HDR settings.
  • + Removed dust clouds.
  • Added console variable cl_hudhint_sound.
Das Update wird wie immer automatisch von Steam runtergeladen und installiert.

Counter-Strike: Source

Genre: Shooter
Engine: Source
Entwickler: Valve
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release: 16. November 2004
Plattform: PC, Mac
Kaufen: Steam | Amazon

Kommentare (6)
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# 1
Sport Drink
Fixed a case of uneven performance on multicore machines.

Ob die Laggs jetzt wohl weg sind?
Post 17.08.2010, 21:43 Uhr
# 2
Find ich ja super, dass Vorschläge aus der Community mit aufgenommen werden.
Post 17.08.2010, 21:44 Uhr
# 3
Original von Sport Drink

Fixed a case of uneven performance on multicore machines.

Ob die Laggs jetzt wohl weg sind?

Ich liebe Valve! Sie habens behoben! Ich kann Multicorerendering ausmachen und es ruckelt nichts mehr! :=) Und css sieht jetzt sogar wieder besser aus! Und das mit dem licht immer aufleuchten wenn man woanders hinguckt is auch wech!
Post 17.08.2010, 22:25 Uhr
# 4
muss ich die löschen? die taucht bei mir noch in der liste auf oder geht die beta weiter?
Post 17.08.2010, 22:38 Uhr
# 5


gibt nichts in dem update, was mich mehr freut
Post 17.08.2010, 23:14 Uhr
# 6
Original von hanschke

muss ich die löschen? die taucht bei mir noch in der liste auf oder geht die beta weiter?

würde mich auch interessieren...
Post 17.08.2010, 23:43 Uhr

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