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Source Mods

Insects Infestation 1.1.0 released!

28.05.2007 | 12:00 Uhr | von Tacticer
8.447 Hits
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Auf ganze zehn Alpha 1.0.x-Versionen seit Anfang des Jahres lässt das engagierte Mod-Team von Insects Infestation heute die Version 1.1.0 folgen. Doch anders als die Versionsnummer schließen lässt, gibt es nicht wirklich Neuerungen, vielmehr wurden wieder viele Fehler behoben.

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  • [Added] FOV (field of view) icon in the minimap
  • [Added] Plant hud interface for plant creation, remove, attacked, killed (this remove text from the chat interface)
  • [Added] MOTD.txt is now supported (html is not working for this release)
  • [Added] New taunt sound added for Ant and Termite

  • [Updated] All jaws weapon work better now, old bug making hard ometime to hit the enemy
  • [Updated] All damages from weapon jaw downgraded due to the better jaw update
  • [Updated] Medic heal/infection weapon visual effect updated
  • [Updated] Medic heal weapon work without mp_frendlyfire
  • [Updated] Medic heal/infection now work when someone walk on the cloud (no need to direct hit on the enemy)
  • [Updated] Medic speed increased
  • [Updated] Worker vomit weapon is more effective now
  • [Updated] Worker vomit now work when someone walk on the cloud (no need to direct hit on the enemy)
  • [Updated] Cypripedium plant attack enemy plant with more damage
  • [Updated] Magic mushroom attack enemy plant with more damage
  • [Updated] Coca berry can now attack plant (on touch)
  • [Updated] Request sound for Ant and Termite

  • [Fixed] Auto-balance move the new old not the new one!
  • [Fixed] Auto-balance move to many players
  • [Fixed] When player is AFK, the last player from the team don't get res
  • [Fixed] Bounding box for all the player when ducked are wrong

  • Moved manure spots to the exits of both teams' rooms
  • Changed middle manure spot to resource spot
  • Several fixes to lighting

  • Smaller basement stairs to make overall map size smaller, so it is easier to defend for ants
  • Transposed upgrade- and resource-spots wooden crate and flowerbed/ant flowerpot
  • Brighter lighting in hives, sewer and wooden crate
  • Several small changes to details / environment
  • Middle burrow spot unlock after 10 minutes
Die Version 1.1.0 gibt es sowohl als Patch, der die Versionen 1.0.8 und 1.0.9 erneuert, als auch als komplettes Setup:
Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Entwickler auch weiterhin schnell neue Versionen veröffentlichen, wie das bisher der Fall war, und so die Mod lebendig halten.

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