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Source Games

Patches für The Ship und Full Pipe

31.03.2007 | 15:21 Uhr | von Tacticer
12.415 Hits
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Einen neuen Patch haben die Entwickler des Source-Games The Ship vor Kurzem veröffentlicht. Dieser behebt vor allem diverse Fehler und Probleme, ansonsten gab es wenig Neues. Eine Auflistung aller Änderungen gibt es natürlich auch:

  • Fixed players getting stuck when they are too close to NPCs when they respawn
  • Piranhas no longer produce blood effect before actually arriving
  • Fixed bug with players leaving while in court not being put in jail when rejoining game
  • Fixed color of Eye-Of-Doom on HUD after switching to full-screen or switching resolution
  • Fixed color of mission text in Single-Player game after switching to full-screen or switching resolution
  • Fixed mission text changing language in Single-Player game after switching to full-screen or switching resolution
  • Stopped players being arrested while in a trespass zone when a game finishes
  • Stopped suicide message appearing twice on HUD
  • Added response from a crew member when you interact with a bar
  • Added suicide death sounds when a player dies from needs
  • Stopped 2 players being able to use the same single bed in jail
  • Fixed bug with Bots not moving and attending to needs when in jail
  • Fixed sounds for lift doors opening and closing
  • Fixed problem with footstep sounds not playing in Arcade Mode
  • Fixed footstep sounds not playing for Bots while walking
  • Stopped unlock door sounds playing for some doors every time they are opened
  • Vending Machine hum and clock tick sounds are now quieter
  • Fixed sound for changing clothes to make it non-positional
  • Fixed bug where the VIP on the HUD wasn't wearing the crown
  • Item no longer left on ground when picking it up with only one slot left in your Inventory
  • Stopped the frozen visual effect when re-spawning after a VIP is killed in a freezer trap in the previous round
  • Container panel no longer gets left up when you are released from jail
  • Container close sound now plays straight away instead of after respawn in team modes
  • Court summary panel no longer gets left on screen if you are arrested at the end of a round
  • Bots now react to the sound of their Quarry using weapons
  • Bots now react to the sound of a door being opened or closed
  • Added support for taking jpeg screenshots when Inventory, Container, Shop, CSI Menu and Splash panels are on-screen
  • Players can now only change teams when there is no game in progress, otherwise you change team at the end of a round
  • Fixed sounds for bludgeon weapons hitting objects
  • Stopped sauna steam sound playing after being killed in sauna and respawning
  • Fixed some picture models that were rotated incorrectly
  • Players can no longer sprint while sprinting past the 'red' zone in the Fatigue need pie
  • Fixed display and behavior of Fatigue need when using a 'sit' interaction while sprinting
  • Fixed Team Elimination count of Quarries remaining
  • Added 'ship_restartgame' convar for server admins
  • Fixed Team Elimination fire and poison deaths counting as valid kills with two teams
  • No new quarry message when a player disconnects in Deathmatch
  • Fixed VIPs not being killed by Piranhas in Raifucu Maru map
  • Added message to show a new round will begin when frozen before a new round starts in team modes
  • Convars ship_round_countdown, ship_round_end_countdown and ship_witness_time_limit are now correct after being changed from their default values when running a server
Einen kleinen Patch haben zudem die Spieler des Point-and-Click-Adventures Full Pipe spendiert bekommen:

  • Fixed occasional crash during startup
  • Fixed animation speed on certain machines
Wie immer werden die Updates vollautomatisch heruntergeladen und installiert, sobald Steam gestartet wird.

The Ship

Engine: Source
Kaufen: Steam

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