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Source Mods

Insects Infestation: Sechster Patch erschienen!

01.02.2007 | 16:41 Uhr | von ultio
3.927 Hits
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Die Entwickler der Insects Infestation Mod haben den sechsten Patch herausgebracht. Es wurden viele Fehler mit Consolenbefehlen behoben und auch zwei neue Befehle hinzugefügt. Die genauen Änderungen kann man dem Changelog entnehmen:

  • [Added] Auto-help for Resource/Upgrade/Burrow spot
  • [Added] music_multimedia_key_enable var console to enable/diable multimedia keyboard key when the mod start.
  • [Added] mp_votemap_start (Time needed in minutes to allow votemap by the user(s))

  • [Updated] PhysJaw animation for Ant Worker, Ant Soldier and Termite Worker are done

  • [Updated] Players now follow the surface angles (touch the ground)
  • [Updated] Kill command no longer increments the player's death count on the scoreboard
  • [Updated] Improved font used in the winning interface
  • [Updated] Worker's ghost plants are now only visible to players on your team
  • [Updated] Player's icon on the minimap, easier to find yourself

  • [Fixed] Player can nolonger go outside the map in DOM_HILL
  • [Fixed] Rush song being played sometimes when the round finished
  • [Fixed] Cactus / Geastrum exploit when built outside the map attacked enemys
  • [Fixed] Structure stack when using the shortcut key to place buildings
  • [Fixed] Player being visible on the hud (target id) and map while burrowed
  • [Fixed] Upgrade count resetting after 8 upgrades were built
  • [Fixed] Votemap by user showing a result window in the top left corner
  • [Fixed] Client crash when changing resolution before starting a listenserver
  • [Fixed] Player Models are now lit up in the class selection interface
  • [Fixed] Firefly model in DOM maps wasn't animating
  • [Fixed] Votemap / Changelevel system not working
Der 31 MB große Patch kann in unserer Download-Section heruntergeladen werden:
Bevor ihr den Patch installiert, müsst ihr erst die Vollversion der Mod installieren. Falls ihr diese noch nicht habt, findet ihr sie hier.

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