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Dark Messiah: SP-Update verfügbar

08.11.2006 | 20:11 Uhr | von Trineas
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Nach viel Verwirrung um angebliche Patches und Changelogs, wurde heute offiziell das erste Update für das Fantasy-Action Spiel Dark Messiah of Might & Magic veröffentlicht. An die 50 Änderungen, Bugfixes und Tweaks sind darin enthalten, dementsprechend lang auch der Changelog:

  • Dark Messiah Might and Magic Single Player

  • Totally redone the way AI Misc & Combat speech were managed to avoid a lot of stuttering
  • Fixed a walkthrough stopper bug in Chapter 04 regarding spawning of Necroguard, if you had moved crates on their spawn point
  • Now "Medium" is correctly defined as the recommended Texture level of detail for the smaller PCs
  • Crash fixed on Save/Load if player has an object in their hands
  • Health and poison effects are no longer displayed during credits
  • Player's hands don't appear behind the credits when you combine the Skull of Shadows with an equipped spell
  • All game menus are hidden when a video starts
  • Problem fixed when the player tries to switch between Xana mode and an equipped scroll
  • Indestructible shields are now really indestructible
  • Crash fixed when the player tries to throw a dagger, then immediately jumps and parries
  • Crash fixed when the player tries to switch between casting a fireball and taking an object
  • The DM fonts now support all Eastern European languages
  • Bug fixed. Player cannot re-use a scroll multiple times after switching to Xana mode
  • Saving is now disabled during end game credits to avoid system anomalies
  • The player now dismounts correctly from the top of ladders, even when moving backward
  • Leanna no longer shows the wrong animation when exiting from the giant spider's lair
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when saving a game at the end of level 12_A. The chain that allows you to exit from that part of the level won't be shortened (unusable) if you reload at this point
  • Instantaneous spells (Magic Protection, Heal, Wizard Eye) no longer break other spells like Firetrap
  • Climbing NPCs can't be charmed and fall if shrunken
  • Bug fixed that allowed player to break the planks from the last house of the l07_a without being inside the house
  • Bug fixed. When the player uses magic against Aratrok, his bodyguards now react
  • Fixed getting stuck on door on Level 11, when jumping on a rope attached to it
  • Fixed weapon being unequipped after jumping in certain conditions
  • Fixed when pressing E multiple time in certain conditions would quicksave the game
  • Fixed when pressing E very quickly to get his backpack back at a specific location, backpack was recovered but all objects were missing
  • Localisation: while in game pressing esc and then switchwing to MP, the confirmation window was not tranlsated
  • Fixed not being able to take any objects under certain conditions
  • Fixed game crash after de-equipping a weapon in certain conditions
  • Fixed a potential first person hands animation problems
  • Fixed being stuck sometimes in some specific locations close to stairs
  • Fixed looping dagger and staff sound when doing a power attack and parrying in the middle
  • Fixed some scrolls that could be used several times (much like a spell)
  • Fixed teleporting that could occur when using lockpick
  • Fixed Fireball staying stuck to the player until it explodes
  • Localisation: German: fixed improper wall signs
  • Fixed the mission failed message not appearing when killing the wounded guard on the island
  • Fixed, shrinked enemies are now sensitive to melee weapon
  • Fixed a crashwhen killing a NPC with a fire weapon when he is knee deep in the water
  • Fixed Percy getting stuck in a window
  • Fixed Percy not reacting properly to certain players choice (avoiding spoiler)
  • Fixed a certain NPC (still avoiding spoiler..) still looking Alive when he is should be dead
  • Fixed invisible wall present on level 7
  • Fixed a crash when at the raggdoll in level 2 with a fire arrow spell
  • Fixed collision disapearing on Trap behing the barn after a reload
  • Fixed lockping becoming a weapon (melee animations played)
  • Fixed Lighting bolt scroll not working
  • Fixed issue with telekeninesis not always working as intended
  • Fixed issues with "Adjust Brightness Level" still being in game after using it in the menu
Das Update wirkt sich nur auf die Singleplayer-Version des Spiels aus, Verbesserungen für den Multiplayer-Modus wurden allerdings bereits angekündigt, genauso wie ein weiterer Patch für den Einzelspieler-Part. Das Update könnt ihr von der offiziellen Might&Magic-Website herunterladen. Käufer der englischen Version finden den Download auf der entsprechenden englischsprachigen Website. Bei Steam-Käufern wird das Update wie immer automatisch heruntergeladen und installiert, sobald (neu)gestartet wird.

Mehr Infos zu Dark Messiah findet ihr in unserer großen Release-News. Das Spiel ist seit einigen Tagen über Steam erhältlich und wurde von den Spielemagazinen sehr differenziert bewertet. Während das amerikanische Gamingportal 1UP dem Spiel nur 40% zugesteht, bekommt es von der deutschen Gamestar gleich 90%. Der Durchschnitt aller Wertungen laut Metascore beträgt mittelmäßige 74%.

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

Genre: Action-Rollenspiel
Engine: Source
Entwickler: Arkane Studios
Release: 25. Oktober 2006
Plattform: PC
Kaufen: Steam

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