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Half-Life Mods

Hostile Intent 1.4 released

29.04.2005 | 16:15 Uhr | von Trineas
5.515 Hits
3 Kommentare
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Wie angekündigt ist heute Version 1.4 des Half-Life 1 Mods "Hostile Intent" erschienen. Der über 150 Megabyte große Patch bringt einige neue Features mit sich, unter anderem auch Waffen und Maps.

Wie so eben bekannt wurde gibt es allerdings Probleme mit dem 1.3.5 - 1.4 Patch, deshalb wird empfohlen auf den um rund 60 Megabyte größeren Full Installer zurückzugreifen. Eine Mirror Liste findet ihr auf der offiziellen Website.

Version 1.4 Changelog:

New and updated maps:

[NEW] hi_basque
[NEW] hi_downed
[NEW] hi_efreeti
[NEW] hi_khartoum
[UPDATED] hi_aurora
[UPDATED] hi_colombia
[UPDATED] hi_congo
[UPDATED] hi_croatia
[UPDATED] hi_deadbolt1
[UPDATED] hi_deadbolt2
[UPDATED] hi_depot
[UPDATED] hi_hotel
[UPDATED] hi_jungle
[UPDATED] hi_majesty
[UPDATED] hi_offshore
[UPDATED] hi_russia
[UPDATED] hi_twilight

New weapons:

[NEW] Sig552
[NEW] USP .45 Tactical
[NEW] Colt 1911
[NEW] Makarov
[NEW] Cougar Suppressed
[NEW] Glock Suppressed
[NEW] Smoke grenades

New and updated weapon models:

[NEW] AK-47
[NEW] m16a2
[NEW] m4a1
[NEW] m76
[NEW] m67
[UPDATED] Remington
[UPDATED] Cougar (further)
[UPDATED] Glock (further)
[UPDATED] mp5 (closer)
[UPDATED] mp5sd (closer)
[UPDATED] Flashbang

Updated player animations:

[UPDATED] Pistol Stances
[UPDATED] Rifle Stances
[UPDATED] Sprint Animations
[UPDATED] Walk Animations
[UPDATED] Strafe Animations
[UPDATED] Jog Animations
[UPDATED] Crouch Animations

Bug fixes, adjustments, and other updates:

[NEW] We have a manual! (manual.html)
[NEW] Many new weapon firing and reload sounds
[NEW] Many new sprites (frag explosion, weapon HUD, muzzle smoke)
[NEW] Added cvar cl_lowendsmoke 1/0 to control smoke sprite quality
[UPDATED] Main menu splash screen
[UPDATED] Grenades now give off flashes of light
[UPDATED] Grenades are now only primed 1.3 seconds into the animation
[UPDATED] Decreased ladder movement sound and speed
[UPDATED] Minor damage, recoil, and reload time adjustments to the weapons
[UPDATED] If spec_teamonly is enabled, opposing team's data is not visible and death messages are disabled while spectating
[UPDATED] Weapon changes can now be made at the start of the round before firing within the timelimit set by mp_spawnperiod
[UPDATED] Updated various game files: decals.wad, materials.txt, settings.scr, user.scr hostile.fgd, default server and client config files
[UPDATED] Added a 1.25 second delay before player can raise sights after going prone
[UPDATED] Observers now have nightvision
[UPDATED] Bullet penetration distance depends on weapon power and the strength of the material being shot
[UPDATED] Player now joins a team immediately following the team VGUI menu, instead of after equipment selection
[UPDATED] Flashbangs can no longer be cooked (the 2 second fuse starts when the player throws)
[FIXED] Shotguns now fire the appropriate number of pellets
[FIXED] Suppressed weapons no longer have firstperson or thirdperson muzzleflashes
[FIXED] Advance button on team and equipment VGUI doesn't cause primary attack anymore
[FIXED] spec_mode 3 no longer gets around spec_forcefirstperson
[FIXED] Team switching no longer gets around kit restrictions
[FIXED] Players can no longer exploit to spawn in opposing team's spawn area
[FIXED] It is no longer possible to get a double-win in one round by completing objectives and killing the opposing team
[FIXED] Holster and deploy weapon animations should now be functional
[FIXED] Menu text now fits the VGUI
[FIXED] Removed player count from team selection menu and added ability to see the scoreboard over the VGUI
[FIXED] Weapons no longer click multiple times after the magazine is emptied (exceptions: Cougar, USP, Makarov)
[FIXED] "Objective X is not complete!" message is no longer shown to players on the defending team when using an objective that depends on another being completed

Hostile Intent

Engine: Half-Life Mod
Typ: Multiplayer
Released: Ja

Kommentare (3)
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# 1
Besten Dank an DraKon2k und GoettlicherWind für den Hinweis.
Post 29.04.2005, 16:29 Uhr
# 2
Ich finde bei dem Update gibt es zuwenig neue Sachen :P
Ne mal ernst hätte das echt nicht gedacht das da soviel neues hinzukommt :eek: muss ich wohl dann mal gleich runterladen und testen.
Post 29.04.2005, 16:35 Uhr
# 3
Richtig edel!
Post 29.04.2005, 17:10 Uhr

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