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Master Sword Continued - Version Apr2012b (Patch von Version 1.2)

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Name: Master Sword Continued - Version Apr2012b (Patch von Version 1.2)
Entwickler: Thothie
Dateiname: msc_beta_package_APR2012b.exe
Größe: 159 MB
Download-Zeit: Modem (56k) - 8 Stunden, 16 Minuten und 12 Sekunden
ISDN (64k) - 7 Stunden, 14 Minuten und 10 Sekunden
ADSL (800k) - 34 Minuten und 44 Sekunden
Downloads: 3.236
Letzter Download: 15.06.2024, 22:11 Uhr
Eintrag hinzugefügt: 28.08.2012, 10:51 Uhr, von filL
0 bei 0 Stimmen


Das Rollenspiel Master Sword Continued erhält mit dieser Version wieder ein Update. Dieser Patch setzt zumindest die letzte erschienene Vollversion voraus.

  • New Maps
  • • Hunderswamp North [hunderswamp_north] by Sgt Rehab (Very Hard, Connects to the_wall)
  • This remote untamed swamp contains many beasts of legend

  • • Phobia Fortress [phobia] by Callum (Hard, event transition from Foutpost)
  • Failing at the Forgotten Outpost, our heroes are captured by the Blackhand and locked up in Graznux's Phobia Fortress... It seems some bandits are here to rescue their own imprisoned allies, but aren't too interested in sorting friend from foe.
  • Note: Any transition from Foutpost to Edana will put you in Phobia (this hack saves some size on the betapack - not needing to edit Foutpost and all). I still question the wisdom of this, however, as Phobia is a hell of a lot harder than Foutpost.

  • Updated Maps
  • • Phlames - Minor fixes and texture changes, more detail textures, now connects to sfor
  • Also fixed a bug that might result in Phlames the Everburning teleporting inside players
  • • The_Wall - Various exploit fixes and optimizations, connection to Hunderswamp_North
  • • Sfor - Connection to Phlames
  • • Bloodshrine - Various exploit fixes. Also fixed bug where the orc escorts were being a bit snobbish about who they would reward
  • • Catacombs - Various exploit fixes and a glitch or two.

  • New Stuff

  • • Donator Halo's

  • Those of you with the guts (and access to paypal) to donate to keeping the web page alive (such as it is), and provided Steam ID's, receive angelic halos.
  • These have no affect on the game. You can toggle them by typing /halo in chat or console. The toggle status should stick between connections. These Halos have no affect on game play, and are just "hats" for show.
  • Donators who provided preferred character slots, also have one-time access to the Exploiters Reward system, see Sembelbin (Master Urdualian priest of Edana) for details.
  • Halo's will be present on all your characters (and the toggle is stored on each individually). The extra reward goes to your preferred character slot.
  • Planning to come up with more donator rewards in the future. Said future rewards will be passed out retroactively.
  • Halo should stick, even if placed within a solid. But please report any Haibane Renmei incidents should they fall off.

  • • Dodge (Thank MiB!)
  • From Martial Arts Proficiency level 10, you can dodge side to side. From level 15 onward, you can dodge backwards.
  • Double tapping in the appropriate direction will cause the player to make this short-leap dodge. Pressing +speed while pressing the appropriate direction key will have the same effect.
  • If this gets to be too disorienting, you can set the client cvar ms_doubletapdodge to 0. Holding the +speed will still apply the appropriate directional leap. Though learning to use the double tap system will make the ability easier to access.
  • Holding the +speed button and forward will cause you to break into a jog, as if you had double tapped the forward key (regardless of Martial Arts skill). Double tapping the forward key still breaks into a job, regardless of the ms_doubletapdodge setting.
  • Each leap direction has an independent three second cool down, and requires a certain amount of Stamina. You cannot dodge in any situation where you cannot move, jump, attack, are ducking, or cannot access your inventory, nor, in some cases, while transformed.
  • BEWARE THAT +speed IS NOT BOUND IN THE DEFAULT INSTALL - You can bind it with the following console command:
  • code:
  • bind shift +speed

  • You can also replace shift with a key of your choosing. This will be the default bind come the next full installer.

  • • Autocharge (Thank MiB!)
  • By default, weapons will charge so long as you hold the mouse button, meaning it is no longer required to double click. If you prefer the old system, you can return to it with the client cvar ms_autocharge 0. However, you will likely find that autocharge is preferable with the new dual wield system, and the incremental charge systems described below.

  • • Dual Wield (Thank MiB!)
  • You may now attack with both weapons at once, making our dual wield system actually useful beyond mere aesthetics and shields.
  • A damage penalty applies, however. Attacking with two weapons incurs a 40% damage penalty.
  • If both the weapons match, or one of the weapons is light (smallarm), the dual wield damage penalty is reduced to 30%.
  • Dual wield damage penalty does not apply to empty hands, magic spells, shields, or two handed weapons.

  • • Incremental Charge Attacks (Thank MiB!)
  • On weapons where the second charge provides double damage, a partially charged attack will still increase damage from 125% to 175%. (125% to 275% for two-handed Axes.)

  • • Moar Quick Slots (Thank MiB!)
  • You can now have as many as 24 quick slots. Simply bind keys accordingly:
  • eg. bind F11 "+quickslot 11"
  • I meant to provide an alias to "alt shift" your quick slots in extras.cfg, but kinda forgot... Here's an example configuration:
  • Thothie.com
  • Alter the binds as desired

  • • DOT and Elemental Resistance Changes: Elemental resistance no longer affects DOT apply chances. This is true for both players and monsters. It still affects secondary effects. So, while successfully resisting Frost Damage removes the slow effect, the target still takes damage over time - though that damage is still reduced by the target's resistance value. (Which still means no affect at all, if the target is completely immune to the element.)

  • Nerf Log
  • • Boss Flagged monsters provide up to x4 XP for additional players.
  • • Two-handed Axes now do 3x damage instead of double damage on second charge.
  • • Ice Staff now fires semi-guided ice bolts on second charge, instead of doing nothing.
  • • Finally nerfed those spiders on orc_for a bit (got sick of getting reports about them.)

  • New Mapper Toys
  • • All sprite/model/sound precaches appear in the log_msdll.log - helps mappers see their limits, though it does not track brush models nor media loaded by the engine. (Limits are: 256 models+sprites, 524 sounds).
  • • Additional Parameter: set_push_resist;
  • This adds or reduces a monsters effective weight, making it more or less vulnerable to being pushed. This does not affect trigger_push brushes or special scripted pushes with the "override" flag.
  • Lower numbers mean more resistance, so a monster with " set_push_resist;0.25" moves 75% less when pushed.

  • Other Stuff

  • • Pet Changes
  • Pets are on a new, more optimal system. Your current pet should be converted over to it.
  • Pets feature improved navigation and teleportation systems.
  • Using the "All Follow" chat command will cause your pets to teleport to you as well.
  • Pets are now "egged" by default on map start. You can summon them via the player menu (default: F)
  • You will also get a help pop-up reminding you have a pet at map start.

  • • Various improvements to the summon command and behavior system.

  • • Emotes are now on the Player Menu, as well as the old Act menu (default: F)
  • This is intended to free up a key for +speed, should you already have something bound to Shift.

  • • Fixed (or at least mitigated) the inventory overflow corruption issue.
  • Still can't allow more items until we reduce the overhead they cause though. :

  • • Improved code side monster navigation quite a bit. (Blame MiB!)

  • • Improved the ice lance hit registry a bit.

  • • r_dynamic 0 now disables MSC scripted glow lights as well. This only applies to lights activated after the cvar is set. (Should save some of you folks running on Intel GMA's and older legacy cards - just remember to set some light fog, if it's too dark to see.)

  • • Fixed bug where players couldn't push monsters while under the effect of a Leadfoot potion.

  • • Weighted Monsters - some monsters are now harder to push due to extra weight - reducing the distance they move when pushed. Currently, this only applies to the various Greater Bears, and a smattering of other monsters. If you see more monsters you feel should have this feature, feel free to make suggestions.

  • • Vanishing Steam Bow Madness - Your Steambow will be replaced by another script the first time you draw it - hopefully one less prone to mysterious vanishing. This means, however, that it will mysteriously vanish the first time you draw it, but the replacement should appear in your pack. (Doesn't apply to Steam bows acquired after the patch, which will already use the new script.)

  • • Moved the vast majority of the sound system to the client side to save on overhead.

  • • ...and the usual 100,000+ unlisted tweaks and fixes.


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