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Global Warfare Beta 1.5

22.07.2005 | 23:51 Uhr | von micro
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2.3) Troop Transport system

The modification is mostly known for its transport system. In Global Warfare you don’t spawn in the map itself, but in your own base, from which you get into the real map (with an APC or a helicopter). But the transports are also not completely safe. The can get destroyed by the enemy for example by ground-air-missiles and should be always guarded by an observant transport gunner. If he is sleeping in that moment, he will get a lot of anger from his team, because there is nothing more annoying (@alx, yeah annoying!) in Global Warfare than waiting for a new transport to arrive and hoping at the same time, that the remaining forces in the map hold out, so that you don’t lose the round.

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The transports, which can be both defended by a transport gunner.

2.4) Round system

Although you don’t have to wait for a new round to respawn in Global Warfare, there is a round system. A round ends by achieving all mission objectives, the destruction of an enemy transporter and the killing of all remaining enemy forces in the map or after reaching a time limit. Not all maps have such a time limit, which is why a round can sometimes take very long in this mod. The team, which wins three rounds first, also wins the map.

2.5) Mission objectives

The mission objectives in Global Warfare are designed very different. You can differ into in “airstrike“, “demolition“, “territory control“ and in “intelligence“ maps.
On the “airstrike“ maps you have to target an object with GPS or a laser till it gets bombed. This is shown very impressively for Half-Life. There are really jets appearing, which bomb the targeted place. You need an Radio Man in airstrike maps. On “demolition“-Maps there is no less action: the objective is to detroy an enemy comunictaion center (or to defeat it). This can only be done by an engineer with c4 explosives.

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Left: An airstrike. Right: Unfortunately you have to destroy this building.

On the „territory control“ maps both teams have to capture points – but in in reversed order. At the middle point both teams are “meeting“ each other. If the teams are equal, the rounds can take very long. „Intelligence“-Maps are combination of different mission types. Elements as „demolition“, the stealing of documents and the use of an general, who the enemy team has to kill, are mixed differently.

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Left: Capturing a point on a “territory control“ map. Right: The engineer has to blow up the safe, if you want to steal the documents.
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