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Global Warfare Beta 1.5

22.07.2005 | 23:51 Uhr | von micro
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Global Warfare Beta 1.5 1) Introduction

With Beta 1.5 there is a new update of the once popular Half-Life modification ready to go after nearly four years of silence. The result of this long developement time is a nearly completely redone mod, which has stuck to desert scenarios, because the development of Beta 2.0, which was supposed to include a winter campaign, was stopped. This preview has two parts. In the first, the modification gets introduced – for all those, who have never played Global Warfare before. For the old timers the second part might be more interesting. Here we go over the improvements and changes in Beta 1.5 (starts on page 3).

2) The Mod

2.1) Scenario

Global Warfare is played in a realistic but not real conflict between an international coalition and an Arabic terrorist regime. That this once fictive story was caught up by reality, is giving it a strange aftertaste.


The first thing you have to do in Global Warfare is to decide which side you want to fight for.

The game is team and class based and you have the choice of joining the „Coalition“ or the „Arab Liberation Force“ as well as the choice of the classes Soldier, Radio Man , Medic, Engineer and Sniper. The classes differ not only in their particular armory, but also their different special abilities. Some of those are necessary to succeed a mission.
2.2) Weapons!

The armory of Global Warfare is relatively large. During the game, you can get to use over thirty weapons. The teams of course have different weapons. While the coalition is uses modern weapons, such as the FA-MAS, the G36 or the M60, the opposite team has more common rifles, such as those of the type Kalashnikov, Dragunov but also from H&K and the PDW. Furthermore, you can equip yourself with additional weapons in your base (about that later). If a rifle has no scope, you can at least shoulder it (of course except the M60 and the PKM – though that would look kinda funny). Shouldered mode is easier to aim, but in exchange you have to pass on the sustained fire.

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The weapon selection menu and “additional tools“ in base

One special weapon is the grenade launcher. You can’t select it in the weapon selection menu – which is arguably better. The grenade launcher is shot with explode-on-contact ammunition, which, when in contact with the ground, explodes like a normal grenade. For beginners it is often not obvious how to get this weapon. I neither will tell you here (RTFM). But there is not only danger coming from the other players. Scorpions, which you shouldn’t step on, are scattered around in the maps. It’s especially embarrassing when you step on one with little health and everybody can see in the upper right corner that you died by such a little brute.

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The C8 in regular mode and shouldered mode
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