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Der dritte Patch für 1187 (Episode One) behebt einige letzte Fehler in der ersten Episode und hübscht die Maps merklich auf. Er beinhaltet die beiden vorhergegangenen Patches und wird über die Version 1.0 installiert. Im Anschluss der komplette Changelog.
- Missing texture
- Missing model
- CODE :
- Houndeye's AI fixed.
- John will not be able to be eaten by barnacles.
- John "bump" speak chance lowered.
- Ironsight bugs fixed.
- Crowbar and knife ironsight no sprint fixed.
- Added game options to disable certian features (i.e. headbobbing. blur.)
- Noclip added back, now disables easter eggs when noclip is activated.
- Small performance tweaks here and there in the code.
- Melee code re-done. Now works and is useful. (Can hit headcrabs!)
- Secret Weapon adjusted.
- MAPS :
- Map 1
- Several easthetic tweaks.
- Added more health.
- Map 2
- Several easthetic tweaks.
- John aids player on finding the tool puzzle.
- Fixed John scene after clearing outside area.
- Added more health.
- Map 3
- Several easthetic tweaks.
- Prevented player from falling to his death on map transition.
- Wooden bar cannot be shot, changed from wood to metal.
- Prevented player stacking props to get out of map.
- Map 4
- Several easthetic tweaks.
- Added more health.
- Map 5
- John aids player on keycard code.
- Map 7
- Several easthetic tweaks.
- Mike aids player giving several clues to the key puzzles.
- Map 8
- John's second barn scene now is fixed.
- Delayed ambush trigger.
- Map 10
- John aids player on mustang key puzzle.
- Game Manual Updated.
- Fixed crash course map triggers.
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