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Forum > Mods > Source Mods > Wir brauchen EURE hilfe!!!!!!! :D
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# 1
Nachricht offline
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Dabei seit: 10.04.2005
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Wir brauchen EURE hilfe!!!!!!! :D
erst mal hallo

ich möchte euch gerne ein überarbteitetes hl² dm vorstellen
es nennt sich DMA (Death Match Alternative)

es ist keine super mega mod doch es macht massig spass. es wurden lang vermisste features wie z.b. cl_autoweaponswitch und RPG Dot switch wieder eingebaut. des weiteren ist die magnum wieder mit einem zoom versehen worden.
und viele andere sachen werden noch folgen aber dafür brauchen wir leute die lust und zeit haben den mod mal auf herz und nieren zu prüfen. da wir momentan noch an der linux version arbeiten ist nur windows client und die windows server version fertig bzw beta is fertig :P

es wurde n noch diverse sachen geändert wie game speed , feuer rate max ammo bla bla bla

jeder der uns helfen möchte den möchte ich bitten sich auf folgender hp 1. infos zu holen 2. uns kurz anzuschreiben

also ich hoffe mal der eine oder andere von euch opfert uns ein paar min seiner zeit :D

Greets [NXH]Clan
10.04.2005, 21:21 Uhr Anzeigen
# 2
W4d5Y  (33)
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Hound Eye
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Dabei seit: 08.02.2005
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Hier ist vielleicht wenig los, aber ich persönlich wünsch eure/eurer/dein/deine Mod noch viel glück!
Z0mg! The cake is a lie!!!
Früher gab es Leute, die mich wegen meinem selbstverherrlichendem Egoismus verachtet haben.
Heute weiss ich, dass sie alle unter meinem Niveau sind.|_______|:spinner:===:uglycatch:===:spinner:|_______|
Heil dir im Siegerkranz! Die Ehre gebührt dem Kaiser!
**zweiter offizieller Tokio Hotel Hasser**
25.04.2005, 21:13 Uhr Anzeigen
# 3
Nachricht offline
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Dabei seit: 10.04.2005
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we are back
danke danke es sind übrigens schon neue beta version fertig
desweiteren kommt die tage die erste map für den mod dazu

-----merged by filL-----

Ok, the Time has come... the first Beta is now available

You can download it at http://www.steam-games.de/dma/

For the first BETA testers is a registration required, so we will have an simple overview how many ppl would and have downloaded the MOD... (this is no control etc.)

Just want to know how many Traffic we will produce on our Server ;-)

All i have to say right now...


-----merged by filL-----

Hi there....

Just wanted to let ya know that we are still alive and the MOD is still in work...

We have 2 good News and 1 bad....

The good News first....

We have the old LongJump(DuckJump) back in the MOD

The 2nd good News is that hopefully this weekend will come the new relase with not so many new features, but some fixes and votemap is running.

And the bad News... There are still no Servers outta there
I hope this will change after this release and the MOD will bring us all loads of fun... The Linux-Version of the MOD is still in work and hopefully available in the next release....

In the meanwhile check out for stuff here, maybe want to give me some little wishes and of course have a watch on this Board for the new release....

-----merged by filL-----

OK, next round of DM-A is running....

DeathMatch-AlterNatiVe BETA v1.0.2.0

This is the new Release and hopefully not the last

Had to do some *private* stuff last time so thats why the release took so long.
Hope you all enjoy it and have playing....

Like always, for any suggestions and BUG-Reports pls use the Sub-Forum for it

LJ is workin
We have a RoundTimer now, we need it for some Game-Modes in the Future
Votes are workin now (votemap, votenextmap)
Spectate is workin now 100%
TeamPlay workin now 100% includes a Team-Selection Menu
Changed some Maps within the DM-A PAckage *read the Note for it

Added Final Code for the Voting-System and reworked it
Added A little RoundTimer like the known Timeleft
Added Final Spectate Code and reworked the old
Made some changes on the Code for TeamPLay (Spectate related most)
Added the old good LongJump(DuckJump)
Fixed the reload BUG of the Crossbow..
NOTE: Its not really a BUG, it seems like valve just never expected someone will change the Clipsize of it?! *lol*
Added a Team-Selection Menu when TeamPLay is running
Changed some Code on the Spectate-GUI Now u see Team-Scores if TP is running
Changed the Maps coming with the DM-A Package *pls read the Note
Changed the Background-Picture (will not be the last )
Changed the speed of the Automatic-Shot Mode from the Pistol
Changed the Weapon-Reload Time, dont depends anymore on SequenceTime
Added missing Sprites and Materials from the Map Frenzy
Added New UserCommands in the Key-Bindings-Options for spectate and Console
Changed Fraglimit now its 50 standard
NOTE: if a evil Admin forget to set it in the serverconfig


CLEAN INSTALL (NO previous Version of DM-A)
There are 2 ways you can go to install this MOD

1. Extract the Content of the Archive anywhere and Copy the hl2dma Folder to your
<PATHTO>/Valve/steam/SteamApps/<account-name>/SourceMods/ Folder and if you have done it correct, it will show up in
the Third Party Games in your Game List.

2. Extract the Archive direkt to your <PATHTO>/Valve/steam/SteamApps/<account-name>/SourceMods/ Folder and if you have done it correct, it will show up in the Third Party Games in your Game List.

If you allready had a Version of DM-A running please delete the folder DM-AlterNatiVe under your /Valve/steam/SteamApps/<account-name>/SourceMods/ Folder and follow the STEPS of a clean install.

We haven´t copied anything out of any MOD, if you think im wrong please Contact us
dma@steam-games.de and let us know if anything is under CopyRight etc. So if you think
you should get Credits for anything on this MOD please let us know.

We want to hear about everything! Any errors, BUGS or warnings you get in the console or in-game, and missing sounds or textures you find, let us know! www.steam-games.de/dma/
If you just want to talk your welcome!

NOTE: If the MOD crashes it will generate a <number-text-number>.mdmp File. Please attach it to your Post in the Forum, or just email it to me with a little description what you did or what happend while crashing. If you want to email me the File use -> dma@steam-games.de

And now enuff of talking.... Download it and let´s go!

take this link 4 dl the mod
[Beitrag wurde 3x editiert, zuletzt von filL am 28.02.2009, 23:13]
29.05.2005, 15:38 Uhr Anzeigen
# 4
Kemar  (32)
Nachricht offline
10.171 Punkte
Dabei seit: 14.11.2004
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Huii. Es gibt auch ne Edit-Funktion!
29.05.2005, 17:47 Uhr Anzeigen
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