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Forum > Half-Life Serie > Half-Life 2 > Release im September bleibt bestehen
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# 1
sTyle  (36)
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Dabei seit: 21.07.2004
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Release im September bleibt bestehen
According to recent conversations we've had with Valve's Doug Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publisher Vivendi for final mastering and duplication within days for it's early August target. The official appearance will make store shelves sometime in mid to late September.

In addition, we will be going to Valve to play test Half-Life 2 very soon. We will be broadcasting from Half-Life Radio and will provide screenshots and on-air interviews. More details on this exclusive play testing soon. Keep it tuned to Half-Life Radio

29.07.2004, 12:07 Uhr Anzeigen
# 2
Supervisor  (39)
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Dabei seit: 14.07.2004
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Klingt gut!

Wenn die sich Ende Juli noch sicher sind, dass sie ihren Termin halten werden, dann ist doch alles geritzt! :)
MfG Supervisor
29.07.2004, 12:19 Uhr Anzeigen
# 3
krueps  (35)
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yuhu, das hört sich doch mal gut an :D:D:D
29.07.2004, 12:23 Uhr Anzeigen
# 4
Parfy  (36)
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Dabei seit: 22.07.2004
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hoffen wir es mal ich will das teil endlich in meinen händen halten! ich weiß nicht wie lange ich diese spannung noch aushalte aber ich glaube das mit september passt schon die werden sich bestimmt nicht nochmal so verschätzen besonders jetzt wo sie fast gold sind!
Einer für alle und alle auf eine! :D
Ok is ein scheiß Motto aber wem es gefällt der Vote bitte hier für mich
29.07.2004, 12:44 Uhr Anzeigen
# 5
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Dabei seit: 08.07.2004
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Originally Posted by PC Zone

Final code heads to Vivendi in the next few days; Valve says mid/late September for full release

12:40 "When it's done", is the oft borrowed phrase which canny developers use to thwart our polite journalistic enquires about release dates.
But now, finally ending months of speculation, Valve's Doug Lombardi seems to have confirmed that the most eagerly awaited PC title of this, or indeed any other year, is finally done.

According to Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publishers Vivendi "within days" for final mastering and duplication, well within Valve's target August delivery date - he has added that the game will hit retail mid- to late September.

Half-Life 2 for September it is then and we're going to hold them to that ...Unless of course anything else changes.
03.08.2004, 14:15 Uhr Anzeigen
# 6
GAGA  (36)
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Dabei seit: 04.07.2004
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Original von cenmocay

Originally Posted by PC Zone

Final code heads to Vivendi in the next few days; Valve says mid/late September for full release

12:40 "When it's done", is the oft borrowed phrase which canny developers use to thwart our polite journalistic enquires about release dates.
But now, finally ending months of speculation, Valve's Doug Lombardi seems to have confirmed that the most eagerly awaited PC title of this, or indeed any other year, is finally done.

According to Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publishers Vivendi "within days" for final mastering and duplication, well within Valve's target August delivery date - he has added that the game will hit retail mid- to late September.

Half-Life 2 for September it is then and we're going to hold them to that ...Unless of course anything else changes.

das post ist doch schon alt oder!!
wenn nicht kannst du mal den link zu dem post schicken!!
Ich hasse Signaturen.
03.08.2004, 16:04 Uhr Anzeigen
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