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Source Mods

Black Mesa (Source): wurde geleaked!

12.05.2006 | 11:23 Uhr | von nZero
20.718 Hits
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In einer News von www.planethalflife.com und im Forum der Black Mesa Source Mod Homepage wurde die Mitteilung herausgegeben, dass die Mod um Content bestohlen worden ist.

Well, now we know how Valve felt.

Yesterday we received reports of a possible security breach when images from Black Mesa, not previously taken by developers, were distributed on a Half-Life forum. When other forumgoers asked about the media, he released images of Black Mesa’s file structure and two in-game images of areas not previously shown to the public, due to their unfinished nature. At this point, we believe that he has acquired a recent build of our work, in the moments leading to a substantial code update known as "alpha-6".

The details of how the content was leaked are being kept in-house as they pose a serious security threat, but we have already improvements to hopefully prevent another breach like this. We are looking to pursue possible legal action which may affect those who aid in the distribution of the stolen content.

We have been working hard to consolidate our content and create a more complete Black Mesa and here we find our tireless efforts rewarded with a content leak. At this stage it is obvious that any content distributed is premature and does not reflect the intended final version of Black Mesa.

We cannot convince anyone to not download the content, but we are asking that you make the right choice and assist your fellow developers in their time of need. We do not expect this attack to affect Black Mesa’s present speed of development for very long, but we will be taking security precautions to ensure that this does not happen again before development resumes. We are asking the community at large to assist us by linking any leaked media and/or leaked content to us immediately. Please email us at pr@blackmesasource.com if you have any information that might assist us.

More information as it arrives.

Es wurden in verschiedenen HL Foren unveröffentlichte Map und Ingame Pics gepostet. Diese Bilder wurden nicht von dem Team erstellt, darauß wird vermutet, das eine Person Map Dateien geklaut und selber die Screenshots erstellt hat.

Das Black Mesa Team hofft, auf die richtige Entscheidung von der Community in Bezug auf das Anschauen und der Verteilung. Das Team erläutert dazu noch, dass die Bilder nicht die gewohnte Qualtität der Modifikation wieder spiegelt. Mit diesem Ereignis, ist Black Mesa die erste Modifikation, die geleaked worden ist.

Black Mesa

Engine: Source Mod
Typ: Singleplayer, Multiplayer
Entwickler: Crowbar Collective
Released: 14.09.2012
Tags:  First Person, Gordon Freeman, Half-Life-Universum, keine Wahlmöglichkeit, Remake, Shooter, Story-basiert

Kommentare (42)
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# 41
evil leaker lol
die erste mod die geleaked wird ? sicher nicht ;)
Post 14.01.2010, 13:11 Uhr
# 42
Ich hoffe dass bald einer diesen Link da oben löscht
des is ja voll assozial den hier auch noch reinzustellen...
Post 14.04.2010, 16:22 Uhr

Seiten (3):  « 1 2 [3]

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