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Source Mods

Empires: Beta 1.01 released

18.03.2006 | 20:10 Uhr | von Tacticer
5.823 Hits
7 Kommentare
1 viewing
Der erste Patch zur Multiplayer-Mod Empires wurde released. Er soll vor allem Bugs fixen, und die Lags reduzieren. Außerdem kann Empires jetzt auch auf Linux-Servern gespielt werden. Eine Anleitung für Linux- und Windows-Server gibt es hier.

Herunterladen kann man den sechs MB großen Patch entweder als Torrent oder auf folgenden Seiten:
Der komplette Changelog:

  • Added: linux server.so for running a linux server
  • Added: 'emp_sv_vehicle_resource_interval' and 'emp_sv_player_resource_interval' cvars for setting the interval between updating player & vehicle resource managers which send all info needed for the minimap
  • Added: 'emp_sv_vehicle_fadout_time' cvar for determining how long vehicle wreckage exists before being removed
  • Added: 'emp_sv_netvisdist_player', 'emp_sv_netvisdist_building', 'emp_sv_netvisdist_vehicle', and 'emp_sv_netvisdist_commander' cvars which determine how far each type of entity can be seen, commander affects how far the commander can see other entities
  • Added: support for 'mp_autoteambalance', if a player tries to change teams and it would make the teams uneven, then the player is forced to the team with the fewest players
  • Added: 'emp_sv_vehicle_selfdestruct_time' cvar (default: 300 seconds) that determines how long a vehicle will go unoccupied before it starts to damage itself and then die
  • Added: successfully moved all server-side vehicle wheel physics simulation to the client (steering, wheel height, wheel rotation) which reduces a lot of wasted network bandwidth
  • Added: three new voice taunts
  • Added: "commander under attack" warning when the commander takes damage, only played once every 30 seconds
  • Added: "<building name> under attack" warning when a building takes damage, only played once every 30 seconds
  • Added: map specific config files located in the "/cfg/maps/" dir; the .cfg file that has the same name as the map name is executed on map start; specifically for setting the number of resources/reinforcements per map (emp_escort NF reinforcements for example)

  • Fixed: a research item was missing an icon
  • Fixed: Brenodi Empires could continue to build vehicles past their limit
  • Fixed: 'mp_timelimit' works correctly now, when time is reached, both team reinforcements count down at a rate of 2 per second
  • Fixed: when recycling a building, your team would gain the refund as reinforcements instead of resources, whoops
  • Fixed: as grenadier, oldest dropped mine was not always being detonated when attempting to drop more than eight mines
  • Fixed: minimap would not show spotted/binocular targetted vehicles and buildings if they were out of your PVS (ie, not visible)
  • Fixed: reduced network bandwidth used by minimap
  • Fixed: the player in the last slot on a server was not being shown on the scoreboard
  • Fixed: Northern Faction MG Level 3 turret's barrels were spaced too far apart to hit infantry
  • Fixed: crash when canceling/completing an order and the target of the order was already removed from the game
  • Fixed: crash when trying to issue praise to a squadmate that didn't exist
  • Fixed: crash when a shell/mortar detonated and couldn't find its owner
  • Fixed: crash when spotting a target with the binoculars, then 120 secs would pass and the binocs would try to remove the spotted status except the target had already been destroyed/removed
  • Fixed: crash when a mine was checking if a vehicle that touched it had a passenger with mine defusal to prevent detonation
  • Fixed: crash when denying a player from joining your squad
  • Fixed: various client crashes (the big crash that affects everyone is a real pain, it's not fixed but it's rearranged to give me more info in the memory dumps on what exactly is going wrong)

  • Modified: increased horsepower for some vehicle engines
  • Modified: various infantry weapons (hmg, scout rifle, pistols, brenodi rifles)
  • Modified: removed server vehicle wheel dust generation to reduce network traffic and time spent thinking
  • Modified: reduced time spent calculating physics
  • Modified: set voice commands to require at least a 3 second wait time before issuing another command
  • Modified: added a larger arrow over the local player on the minimap
  • Modified: increased rate all players can build buildings to 1 HP per every 0.5 seconds (engineer's build at 1 HP per every 0.2 seconds)
  • Modified: scout can use secondary attack while hidden and not be revealed, can also use binoculars and not be revealed
  • Modified: a scout's rank affects how fast his invisibility skill hides him by lessening it one second per rank achieved (to a minimum of 2 seconds)
  • Modified: scout's invisibility now goes into effect even if the scout is not touching anything (50% transparency)
  • Modified: both command vehicle driver view points now sit atop the vehicle so that you have a frame of reference while driving
  • Modified: instead of putting '(Comm)' in front of the commander's name, the commander's class is set to 'Commander'
  • Modified: engineers get points for repairing the commander's walls
  • Modified: reduced frequency of updates for when a turret is playing its idle animation, need to move it fully client-side though
  • Modified: changed turret collision mesh from a pyramid shape to a box so that vehicles won't drive up onto them and get stuck
  • Modified: split resources and refinery cvar multiplier into separate cvars for each team, this is so that the reinforcements for NF can be increased by the server for emp_escort
  • Modified: set HMGs to increase in spread with each bullet fired, inaccuracy starts to take hold if the weapon is fired for too long

  • Removed: engineer's ability to build buildings via '+use'
Trotz dieser vielen Änderungen sieht das Mod-Team anscheinend noch Spielraum für weitere Optimierungen, so steht in der Anleitung für die Einrichtung der Server (siehe oben), dass in den nächsten Wochen ein weiterer Patch folgen wird:

More optimizations will be done within the next week for the next patch to try to reduce lag further.


Engine: Source Mod
Typ: Multiplayer
Entwickler: Empires Team
Released: 04.03.2006
Tags:  Fahrzeugkämpfe, First Person, Klassensystem, Shooter mit Strategie-Elementen, Team gegen Team, Zukunft

Kommentare (7)
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# 1
Ein Dank geht an Alpha, der die News eingesendet hat.

Ich hoffe, dass der Patch hält, was er verspricht. Dann könnte man die Mod endlich Lagfrei spielen.
Post 18.03.2006, 20:04 Uhr
# 2
Immer noch am Saugen :(
Post 18.03.2006, 20:56 Uhr
# 3
Original von Timmy

Immer noch am Saugen :(

Die Mod oder inzwischen den Patch?
Post 18.03.2006, 20:57 Uhr
# 4
Mod! Patch erst danach! :rolleyes:
Post 18.03.2006, 21:07 Uhr
# 5
Original von Timmy

Mod! Patch erst danach! :rolleyes:

Ihr ISDN- und Modem-Nutzer tut mir leid. Wenn ich mich da zurückerinnere...
Ich hoffe, dass die Mod auf die Spielezeitschriften kommt, dann können mehr Leute sie bekommen. 400 MB sind ja auch für DSL nicht wenig.

Freu dich auf den Patch, der ist nur 6 MB groß
Post 18.03.2006, 21:09 Uhr
# 6
wow, der patch hat echt die ganzen lags behoben und alle haben jetzt nen normalen ping ^^
Post 19.03.2006, 12:37 Uhr
# 7
und die server endlich mehr slots. sehr nice
Post 19.03.2006, 19:05 Uhr

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