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Source Games

SiN Episodes: Entwarnung für Steam-Hasser

08.07.2005 | 12:14 Uhr | von Syndrom
5.930 Hits
8 Kommentare
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Zocker die für ihr Leben gerne ihre Spielesammlung abstauben, können auch bei Sin: Episodes auf einen weiteren Staubfänger hoffen. Gegenüber über der Internet-Webseite next-gen.biz gab Rituals Chef Steve Nix an, trotz Verkauf über Steam auch mit einem "normalen" Publisher zusammen arbeiten zu wollen:

But even with e-distribution's increasing importance, Nix believes publishers will always have a role to play in the chain. "We will work with [publishers] to distribute retail packages of future products that we will also distribute online," he said. "We also will keep working with publishers on the larger more traditional products especially on the console focused titles. The new model is a way to bring new types of content to a new set of customers with a new distribution channel. This is a way to grow the industry, not replace the publishers or the retailers."

Es wird also neben dem inovativen Episoden-System über Steam auch eine ganz normale Laden-Version geben. Ob die dann parallel zu den Episoden oder einmal zum Schluß als "Voll-Version" erscheinen wird, ist noch unklar.

Gestern wurde auch die Partnerschaft von Valve und Ritual auch offiziell per Pressemitteilung bestätigt, hier die komplette Text-Wüste:

Dallas, TX - July 7, 2005 -- Ritual Entertainment(tm) today announced the development of SiN Episodes(tm), featuring the highly anticipated return of Elexis Sinclaire, the world's most dangerous and seductive biochemist, and the only man who stands in her way, John R. Blade. The sworn enemies face off in Freeport City, a near-future mixture of San Francisco, Tokyo and New York, all set inside the unrestricted SiN universe.

The upcoming SiN Episodes chapter entitled Emergence is the first in a series of episodic adventures powered by the award-winning Source (tm) engine developed by Valve®. Delivered on Steam(tm), the online content delivery system, Sin Episodes takes a bold new step into the future of gaming.

"Combining the incredible power of the Source engine with episodic content delivery via Steam has empowered us to raise the bar on key features of the SiN universe, interactivity, character driven gameplay, and emergent AI," said Tom Mustaine, cofounder and Director of Development for Ritual.

"Digitally delivered episodic content is the next frontier in the games industry," said Steve Nix, Ritual CEO, affording the award-winning development studio unprecedented flexibility. "Episodic development gives Ritual the opportunity to be much more responsive to community feedback and industry trends. We can adjust our content to deliver maximum entertainment value with each installment."

"One of our goals for Steam and Source is to provide a viable platform for independent developers who would rather be working on original IP," said Gabe Newell, founder and president of Valve. "It's great to be working with Ritual again as they take this pioneering step for the industry. I look forward to purchasing my copy of SiN: Emergence."

SiN Episodes expands on the role of Colonel John R. Blade, a battle worn hero in charge of HardCorps, an elite strike force with a long history of conflict with SinTEK, a powerful multibillion dollar empire headed up by Elexis Sinclaire, a beautiful, brilliant, and ruthless scientist who is out to remake humanity according to her own twisted vision. Joining Blade on his mission are JC, a HardCorps hacker with a secret to keep, and Jessica Cannon, a fiery rookie who can find her way into any secure facility.

SiN Episodes: Emergence features never before seen weapons, characters and environments along with a host of interactive options, paying homage to its predecessors, SiN and its expansion pack, Wages of SiN, which set a new bar for interactivity. Additional information and purchasing options will be announced on www.sinepisodes.com or www.steampowered.com at a later date.

An 8-page preview of SiN Episodes: Emergence is featured in PCGamer UK's August issue, which hits newsstands on July 7th, 2005. The article includes exclusive images from the game along with additional materials available on the accompanying PCGamer UK DVD.

Stay tuned for more information on the game and its release over Steam shortly. The PC Gamer UK article is very informative and has some good screenshots in there for fans of the Source engine. If you don't live in the UK, residents of Europe or the rest of the world can subscribe to the magazine by visiting this website. Of course you've missed the chance of receiving this issue, but PC Gamer UK often has exclusive previews of games and exclusive reviews, often before any one else.

Gestern ist die Zeitung PC Gamer UK mit einem großen Exklusiv-Preview zu Sin: Episodes erschienen, vermutlich werden wir euch also bald mehr Infos zum Game liefern können.

Kommentare (8)
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# 1
Sorry .. soofe Frage:
um was handelt es sich bei SIN?
Post 08.07.2005, 12:40 Uhr
# 2
SiN 2 mit Source-Engine über Steam
Post 08.07.2005, 12:44 Uhr
# 3
SIN war son komischer kloppi-shooter
nicht umsonst nicht erfolgreich :)

der zweite teil kann ja nur besser werden, schon wegen der konkurrenz (HL2-aftermath, Stalker)

mal sehen, was noch so an bildern kommt..
Post 08.07.2005, 13:22 Uhr
# 4
sin war derbe geil..
Post 08.07.2005, 13:37 Uhr
# 5
Post 08.07.2005, 13:46 Uhr
# 6
Original von King2500


Nenene das sieht nach Arbeit aus :)
Post 08.07.2005, 14:49 Uhr
# 7
och so schlecht fand ich SiN garnicht - das Mädel war halt scharf (hey ich war jung ^^)
Post 08.07.2005, 22:20 Uhr
# 8
wie war... da gabs damals auch nen nude patch für elexis sin im mp ;) JA JA wir waren jungen und geil *hrhhr* Das hab ich jetzt aber nicht geschrieben, nur gedacht. :P
Post 09.07.2005, 15:54 Uhr

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