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Overwatch - Version 1.35 (Full)

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Name: Overwatch - Version 1.35 (Full)
Entwickler: redMatter
Dateiname: Overwatch_135.exe
Größe: 115 MB
Download-Zeit: Modem (56k) - 5 Stunden, 58 Minuten und 53 Sekunden
ISDN (64k) - 5 Stunden, 14 Minuten und 1 Sekunde
ADSL (800k) - 25 Minuten und 7 Sekunden
Downloads: 1.111
Letzter Download: 29.05.2024, 03:11 Uhr
Eintrag hinzugefügt: 28.11.2010, 14:40 Uhr, von Dienstbier
0 bei 0 Stimmen


Overwatch erhält in Version 1.35 zwei neue Maps, die dem schlanken Mappool etwas mehr Substanz verleihen. Wer die Modifikation schon besitzt, kann sich das Spiel auch bequem per Auto-Update aktualisieren lassen.

Der Changelog im Detail:
  • Game (Client/Server) › New Map: ow_canals

  • [NEW] New Level: Canals (ow_canals).
  • [NEW] Canals introduces time attack-type gameplay, where the Resistance's goal is to get to the objective as quickly as possible (and before the countdown reaches zero).
  • [NEW] The Overwatch, on the other hand, has to do everything possible to prevent them from reaching that objective, either by holding them off long enough for the countdown to end, or by killing them all.
  • [NEW] Rebels cannot be revived on Canals. When the Resistance team reaches a new section, dead players will respawn as a wave of reinforcements.
  • [NEW] This map features the Helicopter and Scanners (Type II) with an NPC Ability (which allows the GM to drop Hopper Mines at current location).
  • [NEW] This map also features a HUD timer (countdown clock) and Respawn Waves (dead players will automatically respawn when new sections are reached).

  • Game (Client/Server) › New Map: ow_crossroads

  • [NEW] New Level: Crossroads (ow_crossroads).
  • [NEW] Crossroads introduces survival-type gameplay, where the Resistance's primary goals are to protect the Bunker and survive through waves of incoming enemies (until the countdown reaches zero).
  • [NEW] The Overwatch, on the other hand, is tasked to storm and destroy the Rebel bunker before the countdown ends.
  • [NEW] This map features various types of Zombies and Headcrabs, considered a common enemy to both sides (they will attack Rebels and the Combine forces).
  • [NEW] This map also features a HUD timer (countdown clock) and Headcrab Canisters (can be dropped at current location).

  • Game (Client/Server) › General

  • [Improvement] New HUD element added to display player Role above health display (bottom-left).
  • [Improvement] Added ConCmd "ow_role_swap" which can be bound in the Keyboard Options panel;
  • o When bound key is pressed, the current weapon will be swapped for carried Role item (and back to original weapon on 2nd key press).
  • [Improvement] A thin red marker will now be displayed beneath all GM enemies.
  • [Improvement] Hovering over buttons on the GM order panel (lower-right) will now display information in the Tooltip box (lower-mid).
  • [Improvement] Reduced font size of entries in the Objectives panel.
  • [Improvement] Voice Command "This way..." renamed to "Follow me!".
  • [Improvement] Various improvements, tweaks and fixes to Hint entities (env_hint_ow).
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed potential crash when an energy ball collides with an npc_cscanner (City Scanner).
  • [Bug Fix] Hint entities (env_hint_ow) and Hints attached to Role items should now display correctly after round restarts.
  • [Tweak] New GM HUD panel created for upcoming feature (currently displays Overwatch logo).
  • [Tweak] Renamed the "Overwatch Info" option on the main menu to "Latest News".
  • [Tweak] Base HP for Barnacle NPCs increased to 55.
  • [Tweak] Updated MapCycle and MapList files.
  • [Tweak] Updated the Overwatch FGD (overwatch.fgd).

  • Game (Client/Server) › Map: ow_breach

  • [Misc] Updated to use new Objectives list entity.

  • Game (Client/Server) › Map: ow_citadel

  • [Aesthetics] Removed force fields behind ladders near the center.
  • [Misc] Updated to use new Objectives list entity.

  • Game (Client/Server) › Maps: ow_breach_classic & ow_citadel_classic

  • [Misc] Classic maps have been removed in this release (may be distributed separately in the future).

  • Game (Client/Server) › FOR LEVEL DESIGNERS

  • For more detailed information, remember to visit our Resources section.
  • [New] Created point-based entity "game_respawn_ow" which manages the respawning of Resistance players;
  • o Mappers can define a respawn wave time, enable/disable respawn waves, force players to respawn immediately on an input and define custom messages to be displayed to dead players.
  • [Added] Added team key to entity "env_indicator_ow" to specify whether the indicator is shown to both teams, Rebels, or the GM.
  • [Added] Added a displayrange key to entity "env_indicator_ow" that specifies how far this entity can be from the player before it no longer renders;
  • o Setting "0" for display range indicates an infinite range.
  • [Added] Added displayonminimap key to entity "env_hint_ow" to allow Hint to be drawn on Minimap.
  • [Changed] Improved the Objectives list feature by changing it from a system of a single entity for every task to a system of one entity for every separate task, with finer-grained control (renamed to game_tasklist_ow).
  • [Fixed] Client will no longer crash when dealing with "env_indicator_ow" entities that do not have textures. The entity will simply not paint an icon and only paint a progress indicator.
  • [Fixed] Improved formatting of time and time-related outputs for HUD timer (game_hudtimer_ow).


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29.05.2024, 03:11 Uhr letzter Download



die Map "Canals"

die Map "Canals"
die Map "Crossroads"

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# 1
HLPM offline
hm hatte noch nie von Der Modifikation gehört is bestimmt sehr lustig da es mich an Zombie master erinnert ^^
Post 28.11.2010, 16:44 Uhr

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