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Exclusive Insurgency Interview

19.02.2006 | 11:14 Uhr | von Caboto
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The mod leader from the upcoming mod Insurgency took some time off from work and answered some of our questions. Read on for some new exclusive informations.

Could you shortly introduce yourself to our users?
  • Argyll: My name is Andrew 'Argyll' Spearin, I'm the Founder and Project Director for the Insurgency Mod for Half-Life 2.
When was the idea of Insurgency born?
  • Argyll: I came up with the initial idea of the mod back in 2002 after my basic training with the Army. The ideas have evolved, but little has changed since the first concept. It has been a collective effort by the development team and our community to bring INS up to what we have today.
How many people are working on the mod?
  • Argyll: We have many people who have contributed their talent to the development of Insurgency, but the core team of developers is over 20 people from all over the world.
Are you in contact with Valve?
  • Argyll: We have been in contact with Valve on occasions where mainly we have technical questions.
ThumbnailHow do you want to combine tactics and teamplay? Or realism and gameplay? Many mods (and even retail games) failed with this matter...
  • Argyll: When it comes down it, the best teamplay experience that you're going to have is during organized play (clans, leagues, etc). So we have designed elements to support clans and formal organization to make things easier in that regard. We will also ensure that public play (which will be the majority) is fun and still maintain at least the elements for those who wish to use teamplay and tactics.
Will Insurgency be Classbased and if yes, how do you solve the "medic-problem"? It seems to be unrealistic to handle with medikits (over run and get 25 hp) and the classical health-point system doesn't fit a realistic game to be true. Will you implement special methods of healing (like bandaging, footrest) and special damage zones like soldier of fortune 2 (making enemies unable to fight by shooting arms away)?
  • Argyll: INS is a class-based mod. There will be a medical class for the teams, however they cannot provide additional health to players. We have a bleeding system in place, so if you get shot in particular hitboxes by particular ammunition types, you could bleed. The players themselves are able to apply bandages for certain light wounds, but other players and the medics can also apply bandages for more severe wounds.
To control new games, especially realistic ones, you always need the whole keyboard, which easily turns out to be a chaos management, to mention battle scenes. So how are you going to solve this problems? Keyboard double binds or mouse command or full keyboard set?
  • Argyll: We do realize this importance. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to do things simply. We are ensuring that controls are easy to use in order to get the job done.
A realistic game needs more movements than CS(S) or Half-Life. Which movements will Insurgency allow the player? Leaning, laying, head ducking (take head extra low while crouching), sprinting, breath suppresion?
  • Argyll: We have the basic stances of standing, kneeling, and prone. We also have plans for leaning, but that isn't implemented at the moment. Again, this ties into the desire for simplicity. We want the player to have enough control over their character, but still want that to be easy and without a lot of key pressing.
ThumbnailA mod/game always profits if the developers are having looks at the competitors. Which competing mods/games have you had a look at and which inspired you most?
  • Argyll: Well, some of my favourite games are the Rainbow Six series, Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint, and Vietcong. They all have their strong points which we can learn from. When I see a feature that I like in a game, I don't say 'let's do the same thing,' but I think how it translates into the real life function and then how that can be improved back into the game. It's also easier to say 'this feature sucks about X-Game' and try to improve upon what you don't like.
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